Good afternoon,
I hope everyone is doing well and beating this oppressive heat.
It has been an exciting, busy week here at the Sheriff's Office. My week began early Sunday morning after answering a call at Pine Grove. While returning home at approximately 12:40 AM on Highway 9 about a mile north of Holly Springs where I had a collision with a 300-pound bear! Yes, I said bear! Unfortunately, the bear didn't survive, but the good news is no one was injured, and I sustained minimal damage to my vehicle.
As most of you are aware we made an arrest this week on the break-in and arson here in Fordyce this week. Shawn Nunley, a 39-year-old resident of Fordyce, has been arrested and charged with Commercial Burglary, Breaking or Entering, and Arson. He went before Judge Spencer Singleton on Thursday and was given a bond of $500,000. He will remain in the Dallas County Detention Center until he makes a bond.
Mr. Rucker and his crew mowed the Senior Citizen's lawn on Monday. The rest of the week has been spent assisting the Dallas County Medical Center in moving old furniture out and hauling it to the landfill.
Let me give you a weekly update on arrests in Dallas County...
Yes, it's time for Felony Friday:
Leroy Jackson, of Fordyce, Failure to Comply with Reporting Requirements
Joshua McNamara, of Bearden, FPD arrest for Criminal Use of Prohibited Weapons
Ryan Bishop, of Cabot, FPD arrest for Indecent Exposure/Nudism
Shawn Nunley, of Fordyce, Commercial Burglary, Breaking or Entering, Arson
Donny Warner, of Fordyce, Failure to Appear-Misdemeanor
Sean Curry, of Maumelle, FPD arrest for Simultaneous Possession of Drugs and Firearms
Brooke Pryor, of Jacksonville, FPD arrest for Possession of Drugs & Firearms, and Possession of Schedule VI with intent to deliver
Cary Childs, of Fordyce, Parole Violation
Demarcus Childs, of Fordyce, Absconding, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Possession of a Controlled Substance
Javion Hughes, of Sparkman, Rape
Henry Lee Brazil, of Fordyce, Fleeing
I am proud to announce that two of my Deputies have graduated from the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy this morning. Tim Wofford and Dusty Walton have completed an intense 13-week training course and are now fully certified law enforcement officers. Both Tim and Dusty have been affiliated with the Dallas County Sheriff's Department for several years as part-time deputies and will now continue to serve our citizens as full-time deputies within our department. I hope you all will join me in giving them congratulations on their hard work and sacrifice and wish them well as they serve you.
God Bless! Sheriff Mike Knoedl
