Good morning,
Who do I need to contact about doing a rain dance? Dry weather is getting beyond serious here in our county. I'll address some of this later.
We have been working on some cold cases this week with two other law enforcement agencies. I will be addressing any progress we are making on some of these cases at a later date. We are actively working on numerous, ongoing drug investigations as well. I want to remind our local drug dealers of my promise to you, feel free to report your competition and remain anonymous!
I want to remind everyone that we are an official drug takeback facility at the Sheriff's Office. We have a drop box for anyone who has expired or unwanted prescription medications. This is National Drug Takeback Week, and I want to encourage anyone to come by during normal business hours to drop your medications here. These medications will then be transported to Arkansas State Police headquarters to be disposed of properly.
The distracted driving campaign will continue through October 26th. You will continue to see stepped-up law enforcement efforts across the state to enforce distracted driving during this period. Be sure to focus on the road while driving. Numerous accidents occur every day due to texting and driving.
Back to the dry weather conditions we are currently experiencing. As most of you are aware we are under a burn ban for Dallas County. We are getting daily calls to assist fire departments with forest fires. These are easily preventable by using precautionary measures until we receive some much-needed rainfall. It can be something as simple as securing safety chains on trailers. We had several small fires this past week due to sparks from someone dragging their safety chains along Highway 9 North. NO OPEN burning of anything until conditions improve. We are issuing citations to anyone who violates this regulation during the burn ban.
Mr. Rucker and the crew are busy as always. They started out the week cleaning the streets around the House of Prayer church. They cleaned the football field last Saturday. Trashed was picked up from the county line on Highway 9 south to Princeton, from Princeton to Highway 273 on Highway 9. The football field will be picked again in preparation for Friday night's game.
I want to remind everyone that Cleveland Street will remain closed behind the north endzone. No parking along the street is tolerated and vehicles may be towed that park around the no parking signs. We are preparing for the upcoming Rison - Fordyce game. We will have plenty of law enforcement presence during this game.
Now on to Felony Friday:
Fawcett, Clint, of Fordyce, FPD Filing False Report with Law Enforcement Agency
King, Jeremiah, of Lawson, Driving While Intoxicated
Ellison, Harvey, of Fordyce, Failure to Appear
Rodriguez, Roberto, of Bartow, FL; Possession of a Controlled Substance x 2
Nelson, Parrish, of Fordyce, Bond Surrender
Stroud, Keith, of Fordyce, Theft of a Firearm; Revocation
Reed, Courtney, of El Dorado, FPD Failure to Appear
Miles, Laquincy, of Conway, FPD Failure to Appear
Thomas, Stanley, of Sparkman, Criminal Contempt
Tullos, Jason, of Warren, Aggravated Assault; Criminal Mischief
Have a great weekend!
God Bless and Stay Safe!
Sheriff Mike Knoedl